In the News Archives - Community Pharmacy Tue, 24 Sep 2024 14:50:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Importance of Medication Adherence: Tips for Staying on Track Tue, 24 Sep 2024 14:50:30 +0000 Sometimes, adhering to medical directions can fall to the wayside, and it’s a risk that carries real consequences. Unfortunately, it’s quite common, as an estimated 50% of treatment failures, 125,000 deaths, and 25% of hospitalizations occur after patients fail to follow medical prescription guidelines. It’s an easy but costly mistake to make, but by setting […]

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Sometimes, adhering to medical directions can fall to the wayside, and it’s a risk that carries real consequences.

Unfortunately, it’s quite common, as an estimated 50% of treatment failures, 125,000 deaths, and 25% of hospitalizations occur after patients fail to follow medical prescription guidelines. It’s an easy but costly mistake to make, but by setting a few guidelines, staying on track when it comes to medication adherence can become a breeze, so you receive all the support you need to recover and stay healthy.

If you have specific questions about how to best follow medical adherence related to your unique situation, contact Community Pharmacy today for a free consultation from our staff.

Make Medical Consistency Easy

When it comes to medical adherence, we are happy to provide the right resources that help make sticking to your prescribed routine simple and easy.

We’ve developed two programs designed to help you accomplish your medical adherence goals:

  • Simplify My Meds
    • Service to synchronize all your monthly prescriptions so they are filled and can be collected simultaneously 
    • Save money and time with just one collection for an individual or your whole family
  • Medication Adherence Packaging
    • Whether you plan to travel or want additional security about your medication intake strategy, this program has our pharmacist review and ensure your regime is the most effective option possible along with large, custom-printed details of critical information

We developed each program after years of working with countless patients, so we know the common obstacles faced and the needs of people.

Other Medical Adherence Tips

As with any health endeavor, consistency and success are often found through a combination of programs and practices that combine for a greater effect than any one effort.

In addition to the programs above, we recommend you consider adding the following practices:

  • Organize Containers
    • Put medicine containers in a set place where they are visible and accessible
  • Set Alarms
    • Through applications, notes, or any other method, set alarms throughout life as intake reminders
  • Track Progress
    • Keep a brief journal where you can track intake regularity along with feeling to chart progress
  • Stack with Healthy Habits  
    • Combine medical intake with other habits like meals or exercise so they are easier to remember and more likely to occur.

If you struggle to maintain a regular medical adherence routine, then contact Community Pharmacy today, and we can help you form a plan that works for your needs.

Prevent Complications Tomorrow Through Consistency Today

Medical adherence is a critical component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By making your medical intake regular, easy, and part of your daily routine, you increase the likelihood dramatically of the medication having the intended effect.

After sticking with the new routine for about three weeks, you can form a new habit that prevents future complications, so you can fall into an easy and healthy habit pattern that serves you for as long as you need it.

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Hydration 101: Staying Cool and Healthy in the Summer Heat Tue, 25 Jun 2024 19:17:01 +0000 Whether you plan to spend your time swimming, hiking, or just lounging around outside, summer is a welcome break before the busy fall. There’s nothing like the summer season where days are long, but throughout these months, temperatures soar high and can make staying hydrated more of a challenge. While there are plenty of tips […]

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Whether you plan to spend your time swimming, hiking, or just lounging around outside, summer is a welcome break before the busy fall. There’s nothing like the summer season where days are long, but throughout these months, temperatures soar high and can make staying hydrated more of a challenge.

While there are plenty of tips to keep your skin safe, one of the most commonly overlooked ways to stay safe throughout summer is to maintain a healthy level of hydration. As many as 75% of Americans report chronic dehydration though, which can create all kinds of adverse health effects both mild and severe.

Before we dive into some helpful hydration information, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone has unique medical conditions that affect their needs. If you have specific questions about how best to stay hydrated, then contact Community Pharmacy today for immediate feedback.


How Hydration Helps Our Body in Summer

Staying hydrated is important any time of year, but especially so in summer when we lose fluids more rapidly through sweat. Virtually all of the body’s systems require fluids to function, but some specific health benefits of staying hydrated include:

  • Easier internal temperature regulation 
  • More resilient skin
  • Lubricated joints
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Less chance of becoming dehydrated

Staying hydrated gives our body the supplies it needs to perform, and if you aren’t drinking enough water each day, then you might start to see some warning signs. 


Warning Signs of Dehydration

Dehydration can happen gradually over days or strike fast after rapid fluid loss, and it’s important to be mindful and catch the warning signs in the early stages. Even mild dehydration of just 2% can impair the brain and our digestive system from smoothly functioning.

When our bodies aren’t well hydrated, the following symptoms of dehydration can appear alone or in conjunction with one another:

  • Dry lips
  • Dizziness
  • Headache and mental fog
  • Increased heart rate
  • Dark urine

Be aware of these signs, especially after spending extended periods of time in direct sunlight which can further drain the body of fluids. While the mild symptoms of dehydration can be offset by drinking enough water, if left unchecked, dehydration can advance to more serious forms like heat stroke.


How to Best Stay Hydrated

You’ve probably heard the classic recommendation of six to eight glasses of water per day to stay hydrated, which is a good starting point for most. The amount of water needed per day does vary from person to person depending on weight, environment, and activity, but around 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women is a good range to work within, as recommended by health experts.

Aside from drinking plenty of clean water, there are other tools you can use to help stay hydrated throughout summer.

Drinks that have electrolytes often provide a nice energetic boost, but it’s also helpful to consume supplements or foods that have specific ingredients like:

  • Vitamin A, B6 & C
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorous

All are key contributors to help keep our bodies well hydrated and supplied with the chemicals they need.

If you have specific questions about how much water you should drink per day, or what health supplements will help you stay hydrated and healthy, contact Community Pharmacy for a specific recommendation from our staff.


Stay Cool All Summer Long

If you plan to be out and about this summer, the last thing you want is for a case of dehydration to slow you down. By just becoming aware of the signs of dehydration and taking a few easy steps to stay well hydrated, then you’ll be able to better enjoy all the fun activities of summer to your heart’s content. 

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Six Sun Safety Tips Thu, 30 May 2024 13:45:08 +0000 While plenty of fun can be had in the sun this spring and summer, excessive sun exposure without sun safety can pose a serious risk of both short-term burns and long-term damage. Over one-third of Americans experience sunburns annually, and there are thousands of cases of skin cancer annually resulting from sun damage. Luckily, these […]

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While plenty of fun can be had in the sun this spring and summer, excessive sun exposure without sun safety can pose a serious risk of both short-term burns and long-term damage. Over one-third of Americans experience sunburns annually, and there are thousands of cases of skin cancer annually resulting from sun damage.

Luckily, these risks can be offset by some simple, effective tips to keep your skin safe and healthy so you can be carefree when out and about in the sun.

It’s important to keep in mind that everyone has unique skin and medical conditions. If you have specific questions about how best to care for your skin type, contact Community Pharmacy today.

  • Maintain a High Level of Hydration

When your body is fully hydrated and healthy, the skin has additional protection from harmful UV rays. Hydrated skin essentially gives your body a barrier function, so by drinking the recommended twelve to sixteen cups of water per day, you give your body a natural bolster to its natural defenses.

If skin damage does occur, a high level of hydration also helps the skin recover faster.

  • Provide Supplemental Support

In the warmer months, adding some dietary supplements to your diet is an easy, effective tool to shore up the body’s defenses.

The following vitamins provide the body with key nutrients for healthy skin and can be easily added to your daily routine:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Fish Oil
  • Coq10

    If you have questions about how best to keep your skin healthy with supplements, practices, or anything else, then contact the Community Pharmacy team today for quick and easy answers.

  • Protect Your Skin with Dermatologist-Approved Sunscreen

Before prolonged exposure to sunlight in summer, it’s always best to apply a layer of sunscreen to prevent sun damage from ever occurring. 

Ideally, one backed by studies and approved by dermatologists that protects a broad spectrum (both UVA and UVB rays) and contains key ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium oxide. Water resistance is another useful feature for sunscreen if your outdoor plans include swimming.

For most, a SPF rating of 30 or more is sufficient to protect the skin from UV damage. 

  • Choose Appropriate Clothing

When temperatures rise it’s tempting to shed layers and leave skin bare.

However, having thin, breathable clothing options along with other sun-blocking accessories like wide-brim hats and umbrellas, can give your skin some portable shade and relief from the sun as needed.

  • Limit Prolonged Exposure (especially on high UV days)

It’s helpful to look at the daily and hourly UV ratings and adjust your outdoor plans accordingly. This metric uses a range of 1-12, with the lower range signifying little to no risk and the higher numbers posing a high risk.

By using a local or national UV Index map, you can become aware of what days and times the UV index typically spikes so you can prepare or avoid it as needed.

  • Moisturize and Avoid Irritants

Moisturizers and lotions are a timeless tool to bring relief to the skin after long days in the sun. Ingredients like aloe, coconut oil, and zinc all bring immediate benefits with their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

On the other hand, exposure to substances like chlorine (commonly found in pools), and salicylic acids (present in some soaps and detergents) can irritate and dry the skin faster. When exposed to these chemicals, it’s best to wash them off quickly to avoid damage.

Keep That Skin Cool and Safe

Spring and summer are a wonderful time to be outside with long days full of vibrant life. By keeping your skin healthy and safe from sun damage, you can enjoy the brightest months of the year without worry.

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Seasonal Allergies 101 – Top Ten Prevention Strategies and Coping Tips Thu, 02 May 2024 21:13:21 +0000 From warmer weather to more daylight, spring brings a welcome relief from winter.  However, these changes do come with a cost, and among them is an increase of pollen throughout the air, which can result in seasonal allergies that can drag even the brightest spring days down. The tiny plant particles that compose pollen irritate […]

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From warmer weather to more daylight, spring brings a welcome relief from winter.  However, these changes do come with a cost, and among them is an increase of pollen throughout the air, which can result in seasonal allergies that can drag even the brightest spring days down.

The tiny plant particles that compose pollen irritate the nasal passageways, causing a stuffy nose, swollen eyes, tender throat, and more. More than 100 million Americans are affected by pollen-related allergies annually, but luckily, there are some proven methods to prevent the worst effects, and failing that, numerous ways to effectively cope.

If you have questions about how best to handle seasonal allergies yourself then contact Community Pharmacy now. Our trained team can recommend best practices and health support products that will prevent pollen from disrupting your enjoyment of spring.

Proven Prevention Tips

As with most health issues, it’s easier to prevent the problem than it is to fix it. Taking proactive steps to limit your exposure to pollen can reduce or outright eliminate their most harmful effects.

Some proven prevention tips include:

  • Become aware of the daily pollen count and wind levels in your area via this interactive map provided by the National Allergy Bureau
  • Wash clothes and bedding frequently, especially after exposure on high pollen count days
  • Keep windows closed or covered with screens
  • Wear a mask and sunglasses while outside during peak pollen times
  • Maintain a high level of health through hydration, diet, and health supplements so your body is better equipped to fend off pollen’s effects

Even with a high level of awareness and prevention strategies, pollen is persistent and the microscopic grains do tend to eventually seep into living spaces. When this occurs, it’s best to deploy some healthy coping strategies to offset pollen’s detrimental effects.

Healthy Coping Strategies

If you start to notice some early signs of seasonal allergies like a runny nose, itchy throat, and watery eyes, then it’s time to enact some practices to help cope and overcome them.

Some recommended courses of action include:

  • Medication like antihistamines and decongestants for immediate nasal relief 
  • Herbal tea like peppermint, ginger, or turmeric for throat relief 
  • Rinse the nasal passageway through a neti pot or inhale steam via a humidifier, hot shower, or sauna
  • A classic spring clean throughout your home, car, and other living spaces to remove the collected pollen and stop symptoms from compounding
  • For severe and persisting symptoms, allergy shots can be considered 

Before taking any major measures, it’s wise to consult healthcare providers like our trained staff of pharmacists. After describing your issues or concerns, we can provide a personalized recommendation for you and your family.

Don’t Let Pollen Become a Nagging Problem

Spring is far too beautiful to let pesky problems like pollen and seasonal allergies dim its glow. By taking just a few steps to prevent, and if necessary, help cope with the issue, you can free up both your nose and time so you can maintain a high level of health throughout this season and the next.

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The Importance of Vaccinations and Their Role in Public Health Tue, 26 Mar 2024 17:27:54 +0000 Vaccinations are among the most powerful tools modern medicine provides for public health. It’s estimated that before 2040, as many as 50 million deaths will be prevented by their protection, and whether it’s measles, hepatitis, or COVID-19 and its variants, vaccines save lives around the world. While vaccines give immediate protection to the individual, they […]

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Vaccinations are among the most powerful tools modern medicine provides for public health. It’s estimated that before 2040, as many as 50 million deaths will be prevented by their protection, and whether it’s measles, hepatitis, or COVID-19 and its variants, vaccines save lives around the world.

While vaccines give immediate protection to the individual, they also play an invaluable role within the larger community and public health sphere.

It’s normal to have questions about what vaccines might be best for you and your family. When it comes to these inquiries, know that you can contact Community Pharmacy and our trained team will give you the best information possible.

What Vaccinations Do

Vaccines are a modern marvel of scientific engineering, as they prepare the body for various diseases before they are ever actually encountered. By introducing a small, contained version of the virus, the body’s natural defense system reacts and begins to produce antibodies to combat the threat if it encounters it again in the future.

This essentially acts as a practice round for the body, so when the real virus is encountered, it has a response prepared and ready.

While vaccines do not outright stop an individual from contracting disease, they are proven to be incredibly effective at reducing the severity of symptoms for patients. This helps support a higher level of public health as a whole, as diseases spread slower and with fewer critical cases that require hospitalization.


How This Helps Serve Public Health

Vaccinations are a crucial component of the public health defense network. While they immediately help the individual avoid becoming seriously ill, they also stop the healthcare system as a whole from becoming overrun.

When major outbreaks like COVID-19 occurred and overwhelmed hospital occupancy capacity, the limitation of hospital beds and resources made treatment for unrelated issues like car accident victims, routine surgery, and other common cases more difficult to treat and perform in a safe and timely fashion. Ultimately, this made all injuries and diseases far more potentially dangerous. By cutting cases that require hospitalization down by an even small degree, a community’s health stands to greatly benefit.

Some vaccines slow the spread of contagious diseases, and others help nullify the most negative effects. Both of these serve to help keep hospital occupancy levels low, so medical resources and personnel can be directed where they are needed most.


The Value of Vaccines

Vaccines grant peace of mind to the recipient and require only a little foresight to schedule and attain.

While common side effects for most injections include muscle soreness, joint aches, and temporary fatigue, these usually only last one to two days for most vaccines. These are well worth avoiding the full-blown effects of the disease, whether it is a new flu strain or variant of COVID-19.

Unique medical history does affect what vaccines might be best for you and your family, and if you are in the process of making this decision, contact Community Pharmacy today. Together, we can talk over any specific concerns and needs and then set a course of action for your vaccination plan.

For both the individual and the community at large, vaccines are an essential cornerstone of public health that helps ensure the medical system continues to function unimpeded. 

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How to Select the Right Primary Care Physician for You! Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:41:08 +0000 Who you pick as your primary care physician matters on multiple levels as there’s a direct link between having one and increased life expectancy. Before you make a decision however, there are several angles you should consider. Finding the right physician and staying with them over the years allows familiarity to grow as they learn […]

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Who you pick as your primary care physician matters on multiple levels as there’s a direct link between having one and increased life expectancy. Before you make a decision however, there are several angles you should consider.

Finding the right physician and staying with them over the years allows familiarity to grow as they learn your unique medical needs. This knowledge comes in handy to help your doctor catch early signs of diseases and infections, recommend lifestyle changes, and make referrals to other trusted medical specialists when necessary.

If you are looking to establish such a relationship, then here’s a guide to help you define how best and when to begin.

As always, if you have any questions about what exactly you should be looking for from a primary healthcare physician, or would like specific recommendations for your case, then contact Community Pharmacy today.

Our trained staff is happy to provide feedback and directions that lead you to the ideal fit for your needs.


Identify Your Needs and Research

Before you start making calls and writing emails, it’s helpful to stop and think about what you are looking for in a primary care physician.

Contributing factors to consider are their public-facing reviews, proximity to your house, and perhaps most importantly, whether or not they are covered within your insurance network. This last aspect is critical so you don’t end up having to cover additional costs out of pocket unnecessarily.

If you know you have specific health problems, then it can be helpful to find primary care physicians who have experience in those fields. By outlining your needs, doing a little research, and finding what options best align with your needs, you can be well on your way to finding the right fit.


Ask Qualified Experts

Once you narrow down the field by identifying needs and basic research, it can then be helpful to ask medical experts for referrals. If you are switching physicians due to a move, ask your previous doctor who they might know and recommend in your new area.

At Community Pharmacy, we have an extensive network of qualified physicians throughout the area. Contact us via phone or email explaining your situation and needs, and we can make recommendations based on your unique situation and needs.


Schedule a Consultation

Most medical clinics offer a trial consultation, and this can be a great way for patients and physicians to initially meet to get a feel for one another.

After setting an appointment, you can outline a short list of questions and concerns to ask the physician. If the consultation meeting goes well and you feel confident about your choice, you can then be all set with your new primary care physician moving forward!


The Power of Primary Care

Consistency matters with healthcare, as having one point of contact for all your baseline medical needs makes getting treatment and medicine both faster and easier.

Establishing a primary care physician doesn’t just give peace of mind should a medical emergency occur, but also provides an important source of knowledge for minor issues that invariably come up from time to time.

Once you have a primary physician that you feel good about, then all the benefits of a healthy patient-doctor relationship will soon follow.

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Five Mindfulness Practices for Managing Fatigue Mon, 29 Jan 2024 21:35:28 +0000 If you ever feel sluggish mentally and physically, you aren’t alone, as an average of 38% of US workers report fatigue as a detriment to their day-to-day lives. When fatigue strikes, it can feel like an overwhelming wave, one that washes away our energy and motivation to pursue the activities that we love. It’s important […]

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If you ever feel sluggish mentally and physically, you aren’t alone, as an average of 38% of US workers report fatigue as a detriment to their day-to-day lives.

When fatigue strikes, it can feel like an overwhelming wave, one that washes away our energy and motivation to pursue the activities that we love. It’s important to not give into despair though, and recognize that there are several avenues of effective action to reclaim our energy.

For thousands of years, mindfulness techniques of some form have been practiced around the world in almost every culture. In recent years, scientific studies have proven they yield practitioners countless benefits—including a renewed sense of energy and focus. By utilizing one or several within your daily routines, you can fight off fatigue and get back to what you enjoy most in life.

If you ever have any questions about how best to win your personal battle against fatigue, then contact the Community Pharmacy team today for grounded, practical advice.

Begin a Meditation Practice


There’s no more iconic mindfulness practice than meditation, a technique based on simply sitting down, staying within the present moment, and allowing the mind to rest.

Whether you practice for just one minute or ten, there are countless benefits to meditation which include:

  • Reduce Stressed
  • Lower Anxiety
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness
  • Better Sleep
  • Decreased Blood Pressure

Along with a higher resilience against feelings of fatigue. By sitting down somewhere comfortable and not pursuing any thoughts too deeply, meditation creates a deeply relaxing, restorative space further enhanced by mindful breathwork.


Bring Breathwork into Your Daily Routine

Where the breath goes, the mind and body follow, and you can use your breath as a tool for helping maintain healthy energy levels.

Whether you are trying to increase alertness or slow down at the end of the day, breathwork techniques like abdominal breathing, equal breathing, or alternate nostril breathing are all beginner-friendly practices that bring near-instant relief.


Create a Restorative Sleep Schedule

The amount of deep sleep we have each night dictates our energy levels the next day, as it’s the time when our body renews and repairs itself. Yet up to
70 million report having sleep difficulties each year.

It’s critical to not take quality sleep for granted and to create an environment where rest naturally follows at night.

Some of the best ways to mindfully set the stage for sleep are:

  • Establishing a regular sleep schedule at the same time each day
  • Creating a calming bedtime routine to send a signal to your body that it’s time to rest
    • Having recurring scents or sounds can help strengthen this association
  • Ensure your sleep environment is conducive to relaxation

Practice Mindful Consumption

We are what we consume in both a physical and mental sense, and doing so mindfully yields powerful results for our energy levels.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet provides the key nutrients we need to field both our bodies and mind. By ensuring we consume complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and plenty of hydration, our body receives the key vitamins, minerals, and energy it needs to optimally function.

Mentally, it’s best to be mindful of what we are consuming in a visual capacity as well. Excessive blue light from screens has a proven link to adverse physical, mental, and psychological effects, and by limiting our exposure to it (especially early in the morning and late at night) we give our eyes and minds a much-needed break.

Seek Support from Trusted Sources

If you are still feeling like you are hitting a wall when it comes to fatigue, then seeking external support is a powerful tool that can pinpoint the issue and deliver personalized results.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotional expression can help manage stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which can contribute to feelings of fatigue. Mental health professionals provide a helping hand for those in need, one that can transform your relationship with your body, mind, and energy levels.

If you are interested in exploring this type of practice, then contact Community Pharmacy today and we can make recommendations based on your unique situation and needs.

Fend off Fatigue with Mindfulness Practices Today

One of the most beautiful aspects of mindfulness techniques is their accessibility, as they require very little but time and attention to begin. 

If you are tired of feeling fatigued and want to make a change, then consider adding one or more of these practices to your daily routine. The amount of energy we carry into each day deeply impacts our lives and those within them, and even a small change in habit can result in a significant boost to mental acuity.

The post Five Mindfulness Practices for Managing Fatigue appeared first on Community Pharmacy.

Top Ten Reasons Our Weight Loss Protocol Will Work For You Fri, 29 Dec 2023 20:45:36 +0000 More than half of all Americans say they would like to lose weight, but making this goal a reality can be an intimidating task to take on alone. As we head into the New Year, there’s no better time than now to implement change in your routine and habits that can lead to real, lasting […]

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More than half of all Americans say they would like to lose weight, but making this goal a reality can be an intimidating task to take on alone. As we head into the New Year, there’s no better time than now to implement change in your routine and habits that can lead to real, lasting weight loss.

Over the years Community Pharmacy has developed our Weight Loss Protocol, a system that has proven to work, whether you are looking to trim a few pounds or lose—and keep off—substantial weight. With a short fifteen-minute consultation appointment (offered in-person or through a video call) our staff can help you identify health goals and plot a practical route to reaching them in 2024 and beyond.

  • We Use A Personalized Approach

Every person has different health needs, and our program gives people easy-to-follow instructions that suit their exact needs rather than a “one-size-fits-all approach.” Studies consistently show this personalized approach is far more likely to result in weight loss, and our team can deliver a personalized blueprint for a healthy life right into your hands.

  • It Promotes Personal Accountability

After the initial enthusiasm for a new health routine fades, it’s extremely useful to have an outside partner to help you stay on track. Our weight loss program includes weekly follow-ups with our pharmacist to help you stay consistent with your progress.

  • Tools That Last a Lifetime

No matter what stage of life you are in, the straightforward tips and tools provided by our weight loss protocol are timeless. Once you have them on hand, you can then call upon them whenever you want to take more active control of your weight.

  • Long-term Education

Our program dispels uncertainty about long-held health myths and understanding diet and exercise on a deeper level. This kind of education proves immediately useful and can be a strong foundation for future health choices in diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

  • It Makes Dieting Delicious

The word “dieting” can have negative connotations when it comes to taste, but with our program, the dishes aren’t just healthy but also quite tasty as well. With our program, you won’t have to feel like you are giving up all your favorite dishes, which makes sticking to the program all the easier.

  • Find Activities That Fit Your Lifestyle

No one likes being forced into doing an activity, and our program helps you match activities that will keep you engaged while burning calories. As our program is adaptable, we can help you build a plan that involves physical exercises that align with your natural interests. 

  • You’ll Develop Smarter Eating Habits

Becoming more informed about the food you consume helps develop awareness and habits that will help improve your health. Once you start to see—and feel—the positive effects of smarter eating like better sleep, more energy, and smoother digestion, it becomes easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • It Takes the Guesswork out of Weight Loss

By breaking down a diet into the core components of food consumed and activities completed across a time frame, it becomes easier to track progress. Our program removes guesswork behind guesswork and makes it a simple science that’s clear and easy to follow. 

  • You’ll Maintain Muscle While Burning Fat

Maintaining muscle is the key to burning calories and fat throughout the body. Muscle is the key to lifetime longevity, and our program prioritizes protein intake to maximize muscle maintenance.

  • Encouragement at Every Step

The right push at the opportune time can be something we all need sometimes. Our trained staff are available to answer questions at our Teasley location, and can provide support remotely if you live closer to a different Community Pharmacy location.

If you’re ready to undertake a weight loss journey proven to work and last, then our protocol can be just the structure necessary to help you reach your goals. Book an appointment today and begin the New Year with a positive movement to whole body health.

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2024 Medicare Updates – How We Can Help Thu, 30 Nov 2023 21:03:36 +0000 Almost 66 million Americans use Medicare services annually, and while the core benefits of the program remain constant, notable cost changes are updated every year.  Created as an insurance coverage plan for those over 65, Medicare offers four levels of benefits that cover everything from hospital insurance to prescription medicine costs. If you are unfamiliar […]

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Almost 66 million Americans use Medicare services annually, and while the core benefits of the program remain constant, notable cost changes are updated every year. 

Created as an insurance coverage plan for those over 65, Medicare offers four levels of benefits that cover everything from hospital insurance to prescription medicine costs. If you are unfamiliar with Medicare, we put together this comprehensive guide so you can better understand the program. 

Medicare Enrollment Basics

Whether you are just now becoming eligible or need to alter your ongoing coverage, the open enrollment period for Medicare runs from October 15th to December 7th every year. Typically the area in which most changes take place is Medicare Part D, which primarily deals with prescription medicine costs that “Original Medicare” (Parts A and B) does not cover.

While Medicare has helped millions over the years, navigating the constantly changing program can be intimidating. This is why Community Pharmacy provides comprehensive plan reviews via phone or in-person

In just 30 minutes we can review your current plan and ensure you have the best coverage option selected so you can continue receiving your prescriptions at an affordable rate.

2024 Medicare Part D Costs Updates

While the cost of Part D insurance premiums is expected to decrease from an average of $56.49 in 2023 to $55.50 in 2024, Medicare Part D cost limits covered are expected to rise.

Divided into four phases, here’s a complete breakdown of Part D cost limit changes for 2024:

  • Phase 1: Deductible
    • Patients pay full price for in-network prescriptions until the deductible amount is reached.
    • In 2023, the annual deductible limit was set at $505.
    • In 2024, the annual deductible limit will increase to $545.
  • Phase 2: Initial Coverage
    • Patients pay a fixed amount of copay or percentage of the negotiated cost of a prescription until they reach the initial coverage limit.
    • In 2023, the initial coverage limit was $4,660.
    • In 2024, the initial coverage limit will increase to $5,030.
  • Phase  3: Coverage Gap (aka Donut Hole)
    • Generally, patients pay 25% of the retail costs of their prescription medications until the coverage gap limit is reached.
    • In 2023, the coverage gap limit was $7,400.
    • In 2024, the coverage gap limit will increase to $8,000.
  • Phase  4: Out-of-Pocket (aka Catastrophic Phase)
    • At this phase, patients pay a small coinsurance percentage or copay dollar amount on eligible drugs
    • In 2023, this translated to $4.15 for generic medications, and $10.35 for brand-name, or 5% of the total cost (defaulting to the highest amount of the three).
    • In 2024, these limits will increase to $4.50 for generic medications and $11.20 for brand names.

Another notable change to take place in 2024 includes the expansion of the “Extra Help” program. Those with limited income and resources can qualify to receive lower copayments and other benefits.

How Community Pharmacy Can Help

Whether you are a patient yourself or a caregiver for a loved one on Medicare, what you need most throughout the enrollment process is clarity regarding your best coverage option.

By scheduling a personalized plan review appointment with an experienced pharmacist familiar with the Medicare system, you can feel confident about finding an affordable, comprehensive medical plan and continue to receive your prescriptions at your preferred pharmacy without interruption.

Open enrollment is only available until December 7th, so there’s no better time than now to begin exploring your options and rest easy knowing you will be insured and protected for 2024.

The post 2024 Medicare Updates – How We Can Help appeared first on Community Pharmacy.

What You Need to Know About the New COVID-19 Vaccines Fri, 27 Oct 2023 14:20:35 +0000 While COVID-19 might not be as pressing of a problem as it was during the peak of the pandemic, the virus and its many variants still pose significant health risks that require updated vaccine protection to combat. As they have in years past, another surge of cases has been anticipated by experts as we enter […]

The post What You Need to Know About the New COVID-19 Vaccines appeared first on Community Pharmacy.

While COVID-19 might not be as pressing of a problem as it was during the peak of the pandemic, the virus and its many variants still pose significant health risks that require updated vaccine protection to combat.

As they have in years past, another surge of cases has been anticipated by experts as we enter the holiday season. Along with well-known variants like Omicron, 2023 has seen other COVID mutations like XBB.1.5. rise, which previous year’s vaccines were not designed to protect against.

New Vaccines Now Available

Fortunately, Pfizer and Moderna’s newest vaccines (Comirnaty and Spikevax respectively) have an improved formula for 2023 which were approved for commercialization and use in September.

Both operate under the similar principle of previous mRNA vaccines by introducing a small, similar piece of the virus (and its common variants) into the body. This simulates an actual exposure to the virus, which helps the body’s immune system become better prepared and effective if it encounters the actual virus later.

However, there are some notable updates with the new vaccines you should be aware of. Before we dive into the key details, but if you should have any further questions regarding vaccine options, you can always contact your nearest Community Pharmacy, and our staff will be happy to answer.

Key Information Regarding Comirnaty & Spikevax

Developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, Corminaty has an exemplary 95% efficacy rate against the COVID-19 infection. Similarly, Spikevax vaccine offers high levels of protection against the virus after thousands of rounds of clinical testing.

While neither will stop a recipient from outright contracting the virus, what they can do is stem the severity of the virus’ effect upon the body. Those who have received the vaccine are far less likely to have serious effects that require hospitalization when compared to the unvaccinated. This helps the individual handle the immediate effects of the disease and prevents hospitals from becoming overcrowded with patients when cases rise.

Further notable details regarding both of the newly approved vaccines include:

  • Effective Against
    • COVID-19
    • Omicron Variants BA.4 and Ba.5
    • XBB Variants

  • Common Side Effects
    • Swelling around the injection site
    • Headaches, nausea, chills
    • Most subside within a few days

  • Especially Recommended For
    • Immunocompromised individuals
    • Those with respiratory issues
    • General public over six years old

Past medical history is a factor that might affect the best timeframe and type of vaccine an individual might need. If you are unsure what the best path towards COVID vaccination is for you or a loved one, contact Community Pharmacy today and we can make recommendations based on your unique situation. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment for a Comirnaty or Spikevax vaccination, you can do so now by clicking here.

Appointments are available every fifteen minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 4:50 p.m. (CST) Monday through Friday and 9:30 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. Saturday.

Effective, Proven COVID Protection

More than 672 million doses of  COVID-19 vaccinations have been administered since the pandemic, and they have proven to be an incredibly safe, dependable, and effective shield against the worst effects of the virus.

By keeping up with the latest vaccines, you can help protect yourself from the worst effects of the virus and keep the effects of its spread minimized.

The post What You Need to Know About the New COVID-19 Vaccines appeared first on Community Pharmacy.
