Recent Posts Archives - Community Pharmacy Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:59:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Seasonal Allergies vs. Cold: How to Tell the Difference and Find Relief Wed, 27 Nov 2024 10:00:57 +0000 Seasonal allergies effect over 25% of people annually, and most experience some form of the common cold at some point as well, especially in the fall and winter seasons. The two have many similarities in symptoms, but by knowing what to look for that’s unique to each, you can then create a plan to offset […]

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Seasonal allergies effect over 25% of people annually, and most experience some form of the common cold at some point as well, especially in the fall and winter seasons.

The two have many similarities in symptoms, but by knowing what to look for that’s unique to each, you can then create a plan to offset their effects and return quickly to full health and relief.

If you have specific questions or concerns about seasonal allergies or the common cold and want personalized recommendations, then contact Community Pharmacy today, and we’ll be happy to offer advice on how best to identify your ailment and move forward.

Key Differences and Indicators

In terms of cause, the main difference between allergies and colds is that the former usually arise due to environmental irritants like pollen or dust. The common cold stems from viruses often picked up from contact with other people in daily life.

Both result in a person feeling tired, full of body aches, and sneezing. Usually, the onset of seasonal allergies occurs far more suddenly, usually within a few hours of exposure to allergens. The common cold builds more gradually in the system over days, and early indicators include a sore throat and, in some cases, a light fever.

One telling area that distinguishes the two is the type of nasal discharge you can expect. Seasonal allergies result in a lighter, clear, watery congestion, while the common cold results in a thicker mucus with yellow or green coloration.

Once you feel reasonably sure whether you have seasonal allergies or the common cold, you can enact a plan to bring you back to full health as quickly as possible.

The Roads to Relief

Luckily, both issues are fairly typical and have many proven remedies. For seasonal allergies, we recommend the following treatment options:

  • Oral antihistamines like Benadryl, Claritin, or Allegra to soothe inflamed nose and throat area
  • We also recommend Natural D-Hist for optimal nasal and sinus passageway relief.
  • Decongestant nasal sprays like Afrin, Sinex, or Zicam for extra nasal clearing support 
  • Avoiding outdoor environments with irritants, keeping windows closed and air inside well-circulated

While it’s true there’s no outright cure for the common cold, the following steps can help bring relief and speed up the healing process:

  • Viracid, another natural supplement, combines key nutrients and botanical extracts to bolster a challenged immune system
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers like Advil or Ibuprofen for headache and fever relief
  • Medication like Sudafed or Nyquil to relieve nasal congestion and help with uninterrupted sleep
  • Herbal teas, humidifiers, and steam for further respiratory support

In both cases, maintaining a high level of hydration, plenty of rest, and proper nutrition gives your body all the nutrients and support it needs to fight off the ailment and recover fast.

Managing Illness and Moving Forward

It can be frustrating not to feel your best, but whether you have seasonal allergies or the common cold, it’s essential to manage the issue quickly and be patient with recovery. The body needs time to recover from these ailments, and it’s a process that cannot be rushed but requires patience and consistent support.

If your symptoms worsen after a few days, though, contact a healthcare provider for additional support and advice on how best to manage your situation and find a path back to health and relief.

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Back-to-School Health Checklist: Preparing Your Kids for a Healthy School Year Fri, 30 Aug 2024 10:00:56 +0000 As we roll through August and toward September, it’s time to make an annual back-to-school health checklist so your children start the new semester off on a healthy, strong foot. Compared to the often lackadaisical, long summer days, getting back into the rhythm of a more structured schedule can be a challenge for children and […]

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As we roll through August and toward September, it’s time to make an annual back-to-school health checklist so your children start the new semester off on a healthy, strong foot.

Compared to the often lackadaisical, long summer days, getting back into the rhythm of a more structured schedule can be a challenge for children and parents alike.

Luckily, by covering a few basic bases, and setting and holding to new schedules and health practices, most of these issues can be avoided easily enough. Taking the time to ensure your child has everything they need to succeed in school gives them the best opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.

If you have specific questions about how best to prepare your child for the upcoming school year, don’t hesitate to contact Community Pharmacy today. Our highly trained team will be happy to share advice and recommendations that are proven to help keep your child healthy.

Back-to-School Health Basics

As you prepare your child to head back into the classroom, it can be helpful to brush up on their medical background records should their school need them. 

This can be a great time to update, view, or request your child’s medical records so you have them on hand as well. In Texas, this can be done by requesting them via your primary physician, sending an email, or mail request.

While fall and winter still might feel far, they will be here before you know it. Review your child’s immunizations, vaccines, and anything else you might need before the busy holiday season arrives.

If you aren’t sure about how best to access or update your child’s medical record, contact us today and we can walk you through the process.

Set Sensible, Healthy Schedules

It’s easy for both parents and children to get swept up in the energy of a new school year, but by setting a schedule that makes sense early, it becomes far easier to maintain both a daily and weekly pattern that feels good and gives great results.

Some classic and critical areas when it comes to personal health include:

  • Sleep
    • The American Academy of Sleep recommends anywhere from 8-12 hours per 24 hours
  • Nutrition
    • A varied diet balanced between proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy
  • Exercise
    • Roughly one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity is recommended

By making sure all three areas receive an appropriate amount of time and nutrition, your child will be well-fueled, rested, and able to keep up with the physical and mental demands of a new school year.

Hygiene and Public Health

Schools aren’t just a place of education but also socialization. On any given day, your child might be coming into contact with bacteria from the school bus, playground, classroom, and other classmates, all of which pose a health risk.

This is all perfectly normal, but taking care to keep your child clean with regular showers, grooming, and maintenance will help ensure their immune system stays healthy and ready to fend off disease should it appear.

Additional supplemental supports such as multivitamins, immune system boosters, and more can also offer a helping hand for your child’s health. Contact us today and we can make recommendations in this area as well.

Feel Good for Fall

Fall is a favorite season for many as temperatures cool, holidays approaching, and the last half of the year begins.

By just taking a few steps to ensure your child has everything they need to stay healthy throughout the school year, you give them an invaluable tool that will serve them well from day one in the classroom and beyond.

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How to Help Keep Acid Reflux Under Control Mon, 29 Jul 2024 20:31:03 +0000 Anyone who has dealt with acid reflux related issues (also commonly known as heartburn) knows just how irritating, disruptive, and outright debilitating it can be. Acid reflux can be a chronic, recurring issue or appear in isolated incidents due to factors like diet and lifestyle. By understanding these root causes, and how best to prevent […]

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Anyone who has dealt with acid reflux related issues (also commonly known as heartburn) knows just how irritating, disruptive, and outright debilitating it can be.

Acid reflux can be a chronic, recurring issue or appear in isolated incidents due to factors like diet and lifestyle. By understanding these root causes, and how best to prevent and relieve symptoms when they surface, you can help keep that digestive system on track and keep acid reflux under control

It’s important to note that everyone has unique health needs and medical backgrounds that should be considered before taking any steps or new medication. If you have specific questions about how best to handle acid reflux, then contact Community Pharmacy today for immediate feedback.

Roots Causes of Acid Reflux

The root cause of acid reflux is stomach acid and bile building and settling above the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) valve in the chest and throat area. These corrosive liquids then cause an uncomfortable burning sensation, and if left unchecked, can do serious damage to the affected areas.

Some common contributing factors that cause acid reflux are:

  • Diet
    • Consuming acidic and spicy food along with carbonated beverages, which irritate or increase internal stomach pressure 
  • Medication
    • Common pain relief and blood pressure medication can overly relax the LES valve and make acid reflux more likely
  • Lifestyle
    • Those with weight-related or stress issues can be more vulnerable to acid reflux

The causes of acid reflux are simple enough, and with those in mind, it then becomes a question of how best to put that knowledge into practice for prevention and relief.

Simple Acid Reflux Prevention Tips

The most immediately applicable acid reflux prevention advice is to become especially mindful of food and beverage consumption, both in terms of content and timing.

Avoiding food and beverages with irritants helps reduce the chance of inflammation. As does keeping portion sizes small, so the body can steadily digest it rather than become overfull. This keeps stomach acid and bile far away from the esophagus. 

Experts agree that avoiding eating about two hours before bed can also help, as well as not lying down after a large meal. By keeping the body upright, you give your digestive tract a much better chance of processing food without issue.

How to Ease Acid Reflux Symptoms

When acid reflux symptoms appear, it’s important to take immediate steps to help ease symptoms, which usually only last a few hours at a time. If they persist longer than that, consult a medical professional.

For quick relief from acid reflux, drinking water and staying upright can help prevent stomach acid building upwards within the stomach. A short, non-strenuous walk after a meal is also a time-honored tradition to help your stomach get back on track and activate the muscles surrounding the abdomen to aid with digestion.

Additional medical support is available through antacids like TUMS or Rolaids, which are over-the-counter medications designed to relieve acid reflux and general indigestion. Having these on hand to help combat acid reflux can bring near instant relief, and when coupled with other tips, are a safe, surefire way to handle indigestion.

If you have questions about what type of antacid might be right for you, or other questions about
digestive issues and support, contact Community Pharmacy now for a recommendation.

Dial in Your Digestion

Few things affect our quality of life more immediately than a functioning digestive system, which when working well, can help fuel us along each day.

By becoming aware of acid reflux causes and solutions, you can keep your body and home stocked with the tools and knowledge necessary to overcome any health obstacle that might come your way. 

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Early Signs of Heat Stroke (and how best to prevent it) Thu, 24 Aug 2023 22:16:32 +0000 This summer has been one of the hottest ever recorded and with these extreme temperatures comes serious risks like heat exhaustion—and its more serious and advanced form—heat stroke. A heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer regulate its internal temperature within safe limits. As a result, essential physical and mental faculties rapidly decline, […]

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This summer has been one of the hottest ever recorded and with these extreme temperatures comes serious risks like heat exhaustion—and its more serious and advanced form—heat stroke.

A heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer regulate its internal temperature within safe limits. As a result, essential physical and mental faculties rapidly decline, and if left unchecked, a stroke can leave victims with loss of consciousness, seizures, and in particularly severe cases, death. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to both spot early signs and prevent heat strokes before they become a problem. Learning to recognize the early signs allows you to stop them in their tracks, and once you know what to be on the lookout for, you can then safely move through the remainder of summer with considerably less worry.

Whether it’s your skin or hydration level that needs some additional support and protection, at Community Pharmacy we have a wide assortment of tools that can help. Contact our team today, and we can help guide you to a product that makes sense for your situation and needs.

Early Signs of Heat Stroke

One of the more challenging aspects of preventing heat exhaustion and stroke is that it can take effect within a
few minutes or gradually over several days. Some of the most commonly associated physical signs of heat exhaustion are:

  • Increased Heart Rate (over 100 BPM)
  • Raised Body Temperature
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Less Frequent Urination (with a darker coloration)

Any one of these might not be cause for alarm in isolation. However, if you notice several of them along with any of the following mental symptoms, then it might be time to stop and take preventative measures:

  • Fatigue
  • Sudden Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheaded
  • Increased Agitation

If you notice these symptoms, then immediately move to a shaded, cooled place to recover and hydrate. This can provide some quick relief, and for long-term protection, take some time to consider further life adjustments.

How Best to Prevent Heat Exhaustion & Stroke

Heat exhaustion is a problem best approached and solved through a multi-layered approach. From what you wear, where and when you go, and what you consume, small adjustments to your daily routine can bring about significant protection against the harmful effects of excessive heat.

When it comes to clothing, wearing lightweight, loose-fitting clothing that covers the majority of your skin helps limit the amount of UV your body will intake. Studies show that colors like white, red, and yellow are better at releasing heat than black or darker colors. Even with these layers, applying sunscreen can add another level of protection.

While we all want to stay active throughout summer, the early afternoon is typically when heat levels peak. By planning your outdoor exercise or errands in the morning or just before sunset, you can avoid the most dangerous time of the day.

Keeping a high level of hydration before and after prolonged sun exposure helps our body handle the heat better as it can tap into these reserves when necessary. This can be done by regularly consuming enough water proportional to your body weight along with eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Supplements also exist specifically to provide electrolytes and other vital nutrients the body sheds via sweat while under heat duress. Contact our team today, and we’ll be happy to provide you with recommendations.

Don’t Let the Heat Spoil Your Summer Fun

While the heightened summer heat creates obstacles for outdoor activities, there’s no reason to stay completely indoors while days are long and bright. With just a few simple changes and an awareness of heat stroke signs and risks, you can protect yourself from the risks and safely enjoy the rest of summer.

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Tips for Traveling with Medication Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:22:26 +0000 Summer is an ideal time to travel, and no matter where you are going, packing the medication you need is essential to enjoying your break from routine. Before you hit the road though, it’s worth taking the time to ensure your prescriptions are prepared to make the journey with you. Whether you have a specific […]

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Summer is an ideal time to travel, and no matter where you are going, packing the medication you need is essential to enjoying your break from routine.

Before you hit the road though, it’s worth taking the time to ensure your prescriptions are prepared to make the journey with you. Whether you have a specific condition that requires daily support or just want to be prepared in case of an emergency, a solid travel medication strategy helps protect not just your health but peace of mind. 

There’s no guarantee that your destination will have a fully stocked pharmacy easily accessible, but by forming a medication packing plan, you can relieve any worries about what lies ahead.

If you have questions about types of travel medication that could be useful for your destination, prescription refills, or general questions, then contact the Community Pharmacy today, and we will be happy to make recommendations that match your needs.

Keep Medication Organized, Safe, and Accessible


While time on the road will certainly shuffle things around within your bag, having a set plan of organization helps reduce the likelihood of an item becoming lost or forgotten in transit. 

For medication, it’s helpful to have a designated bag or case that acts as the home base for all health-related items. A distinct color, such as red or blue, can act as an easy visual identifier when packing and unpacking your medicine.

Whether your medicine comes in pill, liquid, or cream form, one of the main dangers while traveling is the content becoming crushed. This risk can be offset with a hard shell case or placing your medicine container near the top of your bag, also making it more accessible should it be necessary for an emergency.  

If your travel plans involve flights, then it’s best to keep your medication within your carry-on should your checked luggage become delayed or lost. You can bring medically required liquids in carry-on bags over 3.4 ounces, but you must inform the officer at the checkpoint and they may need to inspect the container. It is best practice to carry these in a bottle with a prescription label.

For a full breakdown of how to fly with medicine, consult the full TSA guidelines on the subject to remove any risks.

Bring Prescriptions & Notes (especially abroad)


When traveling, it’s important to maintain a steady prescribed medication intake routine and have all your documentation on hand to avoid complications. Doctor’s notes, prescriptions, or other documentation can be useful should your bags be inspected or if you need more medication while in transit.

It’s helpful to have document redundancies in case the originals go missing or become damaged. Having digital copies on your devices and physical copies throughout your luggage gives you additional layers of security that can save you considerable time and hassle should they become necessary.

For those who are traveling abroad, it’s worth taking the time to research what medications are allowed and prohibited in your destination, and even layover countries, as this can vary considerably around the world.

If you are unsure about what you are allowed to bring, then give our team a quick call and we can clarify what types of medication are safe and permitted to travel with.

Set Additional Medication Reminders


There are few things as stimulating as travel, and it’s incredibly easy for healthy habits and routines to fall to the wayside within this excitement.

While this is to be expected to some degree, maintaining your regular medication intake timing is important to maintaining a high level of health. Set reminders in your phone or computer, adjusted for the time change between your original and end destination, to give you an additional safety net that automatically alerts you on medication timing and quantity.

Travel can provide us with invaluable relief from our day-to-day life, and inspire and challenge us on multiple levels within just a few days. Before you leave home though, take the time to develop a travel medication strategy, so you can then fully enjoy and embrace the new scenery around you.


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Top Health Benefits of Zinc Supplements Thu, 29 Jun 2023 19:04:14 +0000 At every stage of human development, our body requires certain nutritional minerals to properly grow, function, and repair itself. Zinc plays an important role in everything from immune system support to stable hormonal levels but the body cannot produce or store it on its own. Surprisingly, over 1.1 billion people currently are zinc-deficient, and this […]

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At every stage of human development, our body requires certain nutritional minerals to properly grow, function, and repair itself. Zinc plays an important role in everything from immune system support to stable hormonal levels but the body cannot produce or store it on its own.

Surprisingly, over 1.1 billion people currently are zinc-deficient, and this can have harmful effects ranging from stunted childhood development to slower wound healing in adults. By first understanding what zinc does and how best to then introduce it into your system, you can rest assured that your body has everything it needs to hum along in a healthy fashion.

If you ever have any questions or concerns about your daily zinc needs, then don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community Pharmacy staff or stop by in person. We’d be happy to answer any questions so you can move forward with complete confidence in your personal health plan.


What Exactly Does Zinc Do?

Zinc supports many of its critical functions from sensory acuity to psychological balance.  This uniquely versatile mineral helps fuel our cells to perform their essential functions and contributes to aiding smooth neurotransmissions in the brain and reducing inflammation in the gut.

For males specifically, regular zinc intake has been linked to higher testosterone levels, prostate protection, and retaining healthy hair.

Common signs of zinc deficiency include:

  • Unstable gut and stool
  • Hair loss and frail nails
  • Loss of appetite
  • Slowly healing wounds
  • Decreased sensory perception

If you exhibit one or more of these symptoms, then it might be time to consider boosting your zinc intake and the best means is through supplemental support.

Best Ways to Raise Zinc Level

While certain foods like oysters, meat, lentils, seeds, and chickpeas can help raise your body’s zinc level through traditional means, the most efficient way is through consuming concentrated amounts in the form of dietary supplements.

Brimming with beneficial mineral support, we specifically recommend the following two products that are proven to bolster a body’s zinc back to healthy levels:

  • Zinc A.G. 
    • Specifically beneficial for those with sensitive gastrointestinal tract
  • Reacted Zinc
    • Made with chelated zinc and highly absorbable

Zinc intake needs vary depending on age, weight, and sex, but health experts recommend anywhere from 4 mg (infants) to 40 mg (adults) as a generally safe daily amount. 

We carry each of these products at Community Pharmacy along with many other mineral supplements, multivitamins, and other helpful health products. Stop by and see our full selection or call today to speak with our staff! 


Zero in on Healthy Zinc Levels

Ensuring your body has everything it needs to function can feel like a constant balancing act but we have more support tools than ever at our disposal. Whether you need zinc support or another supplement to shore up your dietary needs, Community Pharmacy is here to help you find your answer.

Feeling better today and protecting your tomorrow doesn’t need to be a complicated matter. With a little time and effort to find your ideal form of zinc support, you can enjoy the countless physical and mental benefits of whole-body health.

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Holy Mole-y: Signs of Skin Cancer to Watch Out for this Summer Mon, 15 May 2023 15:21:00 +0000 With winter far behind us and those long, hot days of Texas summer ahead comes ample opportunities to get outside and absorb some Vitamin D. While we all love having some fun in the sun, too much of a good thing can become a problem, and this adage rings especially true when it comes to […]

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With winter far behind us and those long, hot days of Texas summer ahead comes ample opportunities to get outside and absorb some Vitamin D. While we all love having some fun in the sun, too much of a good thing can become a problem, and this adage rings especially true when it comes to sunlight and skin cancer.

Excessive unprotected sun exposure has been linked to an increase in skin cancer risk. Too much ultraviolet radiation can permanently damage our skin cell’s DNA, eventually leading to an increased risk of skin cancer.

Experts estimate one in five Americans will encounter skin cancer and related issues at some point in their life but there are preventive steps you can take to protect yourself this summer. While using UV-protective sunscreen works wonders to protect our skin from these negative effects, it’s still important to be mindful of the early signs of skin cancer so they can be properly and promptly addressed.


Beware of Brown, Blue, or Black Spots

Throughout the seasons our skin reacts to the changes in the environment. Little changes like dryness or pigment fluctuation are all our body’s natural reactions to the seasons and are no cause for alarm.

While some variation is perfectly normal, the appearance of discolored spots or new moles can be an early warning sign of skin cancer that should be addressed immediately. Even if the mole has been examined in the past, if you start to notice a change, then it’s worth having a professional take another look. Especially so if these areas become especially tender, itchy, or painful to touch and do not disappear after several days or weeks.

If you notice new moles or discoloration appear and do not fade, then it’s best to err on the side of caution and contact the experts. 


Non-healing Blisters & Sores 

Summer is perhaps the most physically active month for most people, and with all this action comes the occasional blister, scrapes, and sores. While bumps and bruises need simply time to heal, if these areas are healing slowly or not at all, then this could be an early sign of skin cancer as well.

Lingering sores that become scaly or crusty with discoloration around the edges are notably worrisome as it means the body’s immune system is under considerable stress. This could mean early stages of melanoma, a type of invasive skin cancer that spreads quickly if left untreated.

Take these signs seriously as soon as they become apparent, especially if they occur after long periods of unprotected sunlight exposure. The earlier the issue is caught, the faster and more effective the solution will be.


Unusual Swelling, Rashes, and Redness

While we all love the glow of a healthy tan from the summer sun, if your skin becomes unnaturally swollen and red, then this too could be a red flag of possible skin cancer. 

Monitor the area closely, and if it fails to fade and subside after a few days, then contact a medical professional immediately. These patches can be traced to everything from a mere allergic reaction to early-stage skin cancer, and time is of the essence should it be the latter.

Keeping skin healthy and protected throughout summer means not just having the right products before prolonged time outside, but a plan in place should these troublesome signs appear. While moles, blisters, and swelling are often benign and can heal on their own, there’s no sense in risking your skin’s health and the longer you wait, the worse the problem can become.

If you should ever have any questions about preventative skin practice or identifying suspect spots, then speak with a Community Pharmacy representative. Our trained staff will be happy to answer questions and recommend solutions so you can continue to enjoy that beautiful summer sun without worry.

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Safeguard Gut Health – What Pharmacists Want You to Know Mon, 24 Apr 2023 15:12:29 +0000 There are few systems in the human body more sensitive—or important—for a healthy, balanced sense of physical well-being than our GI (gastrointestinal) tract. Each day our digestive system processes what we consume while distributing key nutrients throughout the body.  Our gut health affects everything from our immune system, metabolism, and mental health, so it’s worth […]

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There are few systems in the human body more sensitive—or important—for a healthy, balanced sense of physical well-being than our GI (gastrointestinal) tract. Each day our digestive system processes what we consume while distributing key nutrients throughout the body. 

Our gut health affects everything from our immune system, metabolism, and mental health, so it’s worth taking the time to ensure a healthy GI tract. Fortunately, we have more information, treatments, and tools than ever to protect our digestive system. By learning to recognize GI-related symptoms and taking timely preemptive steps, intestinal problems can be avoided and a healthy gut maintained.


How to Recognize GI-Related Symptoms

One of the most important things we can do to protect our complex gastrointestinal system is to be mindful of early GI-related symptoms. By addressing the signs as soon as they appear, you can save yourself from health risks and discomfort down the road.

Some common symptoms of GI include:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn

If you experience one or more of these symptoms for an extended period of time, contact your nearest Community Pharmacy location to schedule testing. Treatment varies considerably depending on each case, as it’s essential to know the exact root of the issue in order to fully resolve it.

Often it’s easy to mistake other symptoms to be GI-related, and while the following might be concerning, they typically do not correlate to a gastrointestinal issue.

Some non-GI symptoms are:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Brain Fog
  • Weight Gain
  • Autoimmune Illnesses
  • Pain (joints, headaches, etc.)
  • Inflammation

If you start to exhibit some of the listed symptoms of a GI-related issue, it’s important to take countermeasures quickly. Left unchecked these symptoms can spiral into more serious problems such as damaged gut lining (aka leaky gut), dysbiosis, or intestinal inflammation.

To avoid these uncomfortable issues, pharmacists recommend you implement the following practices into your everyday life.


Best Gut Health Protective Practices

When it comes to gut health, the best remedy is taking a proactive stance to stop issues from ever forming.

One of the best measures you can take is to decrease stress whenever possible in your daily life. Stressful situations cause the body to produce cortisol to create quick energy, but this comes at the cost of breaking down gut lining, muscles, and lowers the immune system as a whole. This correlates to a higher risk of GI pathogens like parasites, worms, fungi, yeast, and bacteria taking hold and decreasing our body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Of course, you cannot understate the importance of eating a balanced and healthy diet on your gut health as well. Regularly consuming the right probiotics and supplements has been linked to an increase in overall gut health, but before committing to this path, it’s best to know the specifics of your situation.

If you are concerned about the state of your gut health, then connect with Community Pharmacy today to set up a time for a few simple tests. Common GI pathogens can be easily detected and treatment dispensed based on your unique results along with general gut health guidance.


Guarantee Gut Health 

You can’t put a price on feeling your best, and having a healthy gut is essential to maintaining energy levels, a strong immune system, and feeling physically and mentally sound. 

Right now, Community Pharmacy is offering free health consultations for gut-related issues. If you have ever been curious about the current state of your digestive system, then there’s never been a better time than now to gain insights guaranteed to help improve your gut health.

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Medication & Alcohol – Three Dangerous Combinations to Avoid Mon, 20 Mar 2023 15:21:18 +0000 When taking medicine, it’s important to consider how our lifestyle may impact and interfere with the medications prescribed. Taking prescription medicine means more than simply following the directions on the bottle, and understanding that we need to be especially careful about what we consume and do while recovering. While alcohol is generally safe to consume […]

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When taking medicine, it’s important to consider how our lifestyle may impact and interfere with the medications prescribed. Taking prescription medicine means more than simply following the directions on the bottle, and understanding that we need to be especially careful about what we consume and do while recovering.

While alcohol is generally safe to consume in moderation, there may be a risk in doing so while taking some prescription medicines. Becoming aware of the risks and avoiding dangerous combinations is essential, and you should be particularly careful of mixing alcohol with these three common prescription medications.


Pain Medications 

Following an injury or serious medical procedure, often doctors prescribe medication to help mitigate the discomfort and manage pain. The most common forms are classified as opioids, which are extremely effective at pain relief.

However, these medications are particularly dangerous to mix with alcohol, as they amplify effects such as dizziness, disorientation, slowed breathing, and in large quantities, can even lead to death. Be on the lookout for the following types of opioids, and when prescribed, it is best to abstain from any alcohol consumption until you are fully recovered and the medication has cleared your system. Some examples include:

  • Oxycodone 
  • Hydrocodone
  • Codeine 
  • Morphine

If you ever have questions or concerns about what is safe to consume while taking prescription medication, then contact us at Community Pharmacy. Our trained team of professionals will be happy to help explain what is and is not safe for your particular situation.



Benzodiazepines may be prescribed to help combat seizures or panic attacks, as they essentially tell the brain and the rest of the body to slow down. However, they can be habit-forming , and their usage should be limited to small quantities for a short time while the body recovers and requires external medical support. 

As alcohol is a depressant, this makes for a dangerous combination with drowsiness-inducing Benzonadiazepines. These medicines act on the same receptors as alcohol and using them in combination should be avoided.  Some medications in this class include:

  • Clonazepam (Klonopin™)
  • Alprazolam (Xanax™
  • Lorazepam (Ativan™
  • Diazepam (Valium™

Drinking alcohol while consuming this medication is potentially harmful as it can lead to amplified feelings of sluggishness, loss of inhibitions, and ultimately can delay the healing timetable. 


Antibiotic: Flagyl (metronidazole)

When infections, bacteria, or parasites take hold within the body, antibiotics like Flagyl are often prescribed to deal with the issue.

Even in an otherwise healthy body, alcohol consumption can irritate the stomach, induce nausea, and cause other digestive issues. However, when alcohol is consumed with metronidazole, patients will experience extreme stomach upset and projectile vomiting. 

It is important to consider even small amounts of alcohol that may be present in mouthwash or other foods that are consumed. Any amount of alcohol combined with this medication can result in negative consequences. 

Recovering from illness sometimes simply requires time and patience while the body heals. During this time, it’s pivotal to give the body proper support and nutrition—but equally so—to not introduce any volatile substance like alcohol that can set progress back.

If you have been prescribed medication and are unsure if it’s safe to consume alcohol, or any other medication or substance, it’s best to play it safe while your body is vulnerable. For further assurance, contact us at Community Pharmacy, and we will be happy to share all the information possible to help guide you in the right direction.

The post Medication & Alcohol – Three Dangerous Combinations to Avoid appeared first on Community Pharmacy.

American Heart Month: How to Choose the Right Fish Oil Supplement Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:12:36 +0000 When it comes to dietary support, there are few more proven and safe supplements than quality fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are often considered the main selling point of the supplement, as their benefits include healthier skin, eyes, and inflammation reduction. It’s also known as being particularly helpful for long-term cardiovascular health. As February is […]

The post American Heart Month: How to Choose the Right Fish Oil Supplement appeared first on Community Pharmacy.

When it comes to dietary support, there are few more proven and safe supplements than quality fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are often considered the main selling point of the supplement, as their benefits include healthier skin, eyes, and inflammation reduction. It’s also known as being particularly helpful for long-term cardiovascular health.

As February is American Heart Health Month, there’s never been a better time to adopt practices that benefit your heart like fish oil. The supplement comes in a wide range of options though, so knowing what and where to look is important before adding them to your daily supplement intake routine.

As with any health choice, it’s always a good idea to consult trained experts for advice before making any decision. At Community Pharmacy, we’re always here and happy to help guide you to the right product to fit your health needs


Key Indicators of Quality Fish Oil

The human body does not produce fatty omega-3 acids naturally, but all the cells from muscles to brain tissue benefit from the presence of these essential fats. When looking for a fish oil supplement, the three primary ingredients to keep an eye out for are:

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

When choosing a fish oil supplier, look for ones that contain a balanced combination of DHA, EPA, and ALA levels. Additional indicators that you’ve found a quality fish oil source are third-party certification of efficacy, and clearly labeled harvesting sources in terms of water quality and fish type.


Find Your Fish Oil Dosage & Type

Once you find a brand of fish oil that has a healthy balance of omega-3 acids, the next step is to be mindful of dosage, usually measured in milligrams (mg).

Fish oil dosages can vary significantly in tablet, softgel, and liquid form, and usually, only half of the total amount is the all-important DHA, EPA, and ALA chemicals our bodies need. In a 1,000 mg tablet for example, anywhere between 250-500 mg of DHA, EPA, and ALA can be found, which aligns with standard needs, while the other half is other helpful but less important supplements for heart health.

For typical adult males, the total recommended dosage of fish oil is around 1,500 mg per day. For women, this level drops to around 1,000 mg. Most people will gain the support they need with just a single serving, but those whose diet severely lacks these key fatty acids might require two to give their bodies the support they need. 

Alternative formats like liquid and tablet forms exist, but users should read the supplement instructions carefully to understand the serving size as they relate to their needs. Regardless of format, once opened, keep these supplements in the refrigerator to prolong their usefulness and retain freshness.

While fish oil overconsumption poses no serious health risks, going over 3,000 mg can lead to mild halitosis, nausea, and digestive issues.

If you are concerned or confused about how much fish oil to take per day, then contact a Community Pharmacy team member, and our team can recommend a supplement that’s sure to meet your dietary needs.


Hook a Fish Oil That Feels Good

If you aren’t a fan of seafood, but still want all the health benefits of a varied, balanced diet, then finding a fish oil supplement is a surefire way to shore up your body’s omega-3 needs. 

Come visit us at Community Pharmacy today to find and stock up on your fish oil supply. In doing so, you give your heart, skin, and overall health an easy, effective tool to feel and look your best.

The post American Heart Month: How to Choose the Right Fish Oil Supplement appeared first on Community Pharmacy.
